Sunday, July 27


I have done it. I am moving on. I deleted the number and there is no going back. Well there could be if he called-but he won't. I am going to be single and happy. And in a month i will move onto something else, by getting a job and going to college(RCTC). I don't want to move on but what choice do i have, it has been said, it has been done. Who cares if i hurt. I am giving up two great guys if you don't understand. One to my BF-but it wasn't like i would have gotten him anyway. THe other to time and his lack to give me a name of what we are. Who the fuck cares, they don't, know one does.

College, an escape, here i come. I am going to miss what I had but it wasn't good enough for me.

Shameful Easy Hidden in the Closet Kandi is leaving.

I still want but i know i can't have.



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