Tuesday, June 3

Free Refills...

Today(June 1st) was the best and worst. I got to hang out with my friends of the graduated class of 08. I will miss them greatly. Though, most of them I will see at RCTC or I can visit them over Xmas break.

I just thought about Cheryl and how I think that she is alive. I believe she is at Iowa State living her dream life. Back to reality she is gone. I will never forget her. My dreams will never give up.

I want something I can never have, at least I think I can't and no one has proven me wrong. I want pop. The only thing with getting pop is that there is a line of difficulties in the way. The machine is blocked by friends and enemies. When I get the chance to get pop I never really do. I have made the choice for the pop to come to me. I might press the button to give the pop a hint but all I get is water with a small hope of the fountain drink. I am going to work on my problems in front of me but I am not going to do what I have done in the past-be forward or mysterious. I am going to be like other girls, and then maybe I will get pop. The question is why do I want this pop, other drinks work. There are many choices/options of pop? People say this pop isn't good for me. I want to listen and see what they do but I can't. Love is blind, love isn't healthy, love is a short blast of happiness that is taken away by death. I feel like a jerk for wanting this pop but I really do!!!! I feel like Becca. I have false hope, I do believe. I am going to get this pop, I don't care anymore.
Things are going to change this weekend...a free refill.

Drama Girl


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